Proud of you
Proud to be here
Created to celebrate members of our percussion family who go above and beyond for their peers, the program, and the community. Recipients truly embody our guiding words.
Pride, Dedication, Responsibility, Excellence, Inclusion, Tradition
If you have someone in the percussion family you'd like to nominate, let us know!
Matty has always been a constant, stable, quiet, and kind force in the program. He is one to lend a hand to his peers or staff without being asked and without wanting reward. Most recently he moved almost the entire drumline's equipment from the F.A.T. after the Disney trip, and not only cheered on the guard at their recent home show, but jumped up to help them. We are all better for having Matty around, and because of that we are Proud of you, and Proud to be here!
Senior, Matty McBride